For thousands of years it has been believed that all that is written down shall remain. Then Joker entered the stage and changed the course of history.
Joker, decorated with a star motif already known to you, is a completely erasable rollerball pen which allows you to eliminate errors on the paper at once.
We put an end to irritation of crossword and Sudoku lovers, who so far have had to cross out their mistakes. With Joker, repeated attempts to save passwords and numbers will go unpunished! This rollerball pen writes very smoothly, which is an additional advantage when writing on recycled paper often used to print crossword puzzles.
Class test, quiz? Mistakes cease to be terrible, because they can be fixed with the Joker more easily than ever.
The possibility to erase offered by this light rollerball pen is appreciated by office workers struggling every day with tables or graphs. With Joker, you can quickly erase the entries and thereby you can avoid the hassle of using traditional correctors.
Erasable Joker may be helpful for teachers to correct dysorthography. A student suffering from this problem may, after corrections made by the teacher, quickly introduce such correction into the text.
Write and erase with Joker!
Products: TO-079